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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Changing Dreams. A Generation Of Oaxaca's Woodcarvers
Autor: Ragan, Vicki (Phot); Barbash, Shepard (Text) Precio: $640.00
Editorial: Museum Of New Mexico Press Año: 2007
Tema: Mexico, Fotografia Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780890135051
Changing Dreams: A Generation of Oaxaca's Woodcarvers takes a generation-long look at the fast-changing world of the woodcarvers in Oaxaca, an increasingly popular tourist center where the carvers have become the main attraction. Faced with a range of negative trends, a number of Oaxacan artisans put aside their craft to become mojados, or illegal workers, drawn by the economic opportunities north of the border.

Wherever they are, the carvers work for Americans_making whimsical figures for visitors who come to their homes and, when that fails, sneaking off to the States to do all the less glamorous things America feels ambivalent about letting them do.

With eloquence and insight, Changing Dreams puts a human face on bilateralism. Barbash effectively presents the carvers' personal stories in narratives drawn from interviews accompanied by Ragan's arresting black-and-white photographs of their lives today_from the dusty villages of Oaxaca to the orchards of Oregon and the kitchens of Chicago.
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