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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: After The Media. Culture And Identiy In The 21st Century
Autor: Bennett, Peter; Kendall, Alex; Mcdougall, Julian Precio: $652.00
Editorial: Routledge Año: 2011
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780415586832
This provocative text considers the state of media and cultural studies today after the demolition of the traditional media paradigm, and engages with the new, active consumer culture.

Media Studies, particularly within schools, has until recently been concerned with mass media and the effects of `the media' in society and on people. As new media technology has blurred the boundaries between the audience and the media, the status of this area of education is threatened. Whilst some have called for a drastic re-think (Media Studies 2.0), others have called for caution, arguing that the power dynamics of ownership and gatekeeping are left intact.

This book uses cultural and technological change as a context for a more forensic exploration of the traditional dependence on the idea of `the media' as one homogenous unit. It suggests that it would be liberating for students, teachers and academics to depart from such a model and shift the focus to people and how they create culture in this contemporary `mediascape'.
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