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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Innovative Practices For Teaching Sign Language Interpreters
Autor: Roy, Cynthia B. (Ed.) Precio: $781.00
Editorial: Gallaudet University Press Año: 2000
Tema: Educación Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781563680885
Acknowledging that interpreting is a discourse process in which interpreters are active participants who need to know about and understand interactional behavior as well as explicit ways in which languages and cultures use language changes our perception of what interpreters do. That is, interpreters make intentional, informed choices from a range of possibilities. This altered perspective on how interpreters actually accomplish their task will bring about a change in educational practice. It suggests that what is significant in the process of learning to interpret is understanding the nature of social situations, being conscious of discourse processes, and knowing and recognizing ways of using language. Because these processes and an interpreter's role are ineluctably bound to language and patterns of discourse, discourse analysis offers not only a new research framework and a more accurate perception of a basic interpreted interaction but also a new understanding of the important aspects of teaching interpreting.
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