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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Rise Of The Blogosphere, The
Autor: Barlow, Aaron Precio: $765.00
Editorial: Praeger Publishers Año: 2007
Tema: Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780275989965
"The growing importance of online political weblogs, collectively known as the blogosphere, has been characterized by many as a fundamentally new development in the American journalistic landscape. But for Barlow, the blogosphere is in many ways a regression back to the early American popular press, which allowed a multiplicity of voices and opinions and helped stimulate democratic debate. Over the years, the commercialization, consolidation, and professionalization of American public journalism provided fewer and fewer venues for popular opinion and for discussion of issues the professional media considered unimportant. It is the promise of blogs to renew the abandoned practice of citizen journalism, and not some magic technological newness, that have led to the rapid explosion of the blogosphere."
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