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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Principles Of Operations Management
Autor: Heizer, Jack; Render, Barry Precio: $3088.00
Editorial: Pearson/Prentice Hall Año: 2010
Tema: Estrategias Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780136114468
Principles of Operations Management presents a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic and practical manner, while offering the largest and most diverse collection of problems on the market.
Operations and Productivity; Operations Strategy in a Global Environment; Project Management; Forecasting; Design of Goods and Services; Managing Quality; Process Strategy; Location Strategies; Layout Strategies; Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement; Supply Chain Management; Inventory Management; Aggregate Planning; Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP; Short-Term Scheduling; Just-in-Time and Lean Operations; Maintenance and Reliability
For anyone interested in operations management and gaining the fundamental working knowledge of a firm.
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