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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: From Molecules To Crystallizers. An Introduction To Crystallization
Autor: Davey, Roger/ Garside, John Precio: $350.00
Editorial: Oxford University Press Año: 2001
Tema: Ingenieria Quimica, Textos, Teorias Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780198504894
Crystallization is one of the oldest separation processes used in the chemical industry and is still one of the most important. It is also going through an exciting renaissance with the result that it is becoming yet more central to the needs of the modern chemical industry. As well as its long-standing use in the commodity chemicals business, it is central to the fine and speciality areas. The emphasis in crystallization has thus been changing from the simple production of bulk solid particles to one in which ever higher standards and reproducibility of particle size, size distribution, crystal form and particle morphology are demanded in both product and process development.
About the Author
Professor J Garside and Professor R Davey both at the Department of Chemical Engineering UMIST PO Box 88 Manchester M60
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