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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Fierce Pajamas. An Anthology Of Humor Writing From The New Yorker
Autor: Remnick David/ Finder Henry Precio: $282.00
Editorial: Modern Library, The Año: 2002
Tema: Antologias, Humor, Lectura Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780375761270
Remnick, New Yorker editor since 1999, and Finder, the magazine's editorial director, recommend taking this book in small doses. However, New Yorker humor is not for everyone. Do not read this book if you suffer from an irony deficiency, or if you are currently taking any form of remedial English. Also, do not read this book if you are allergic to E.B. White, Robert Benchley, S.J. Perelman, Dorothy Parker, Woody Allen, Veronica Geng, Steve Martin, or Jack Handey. Side effects include the urge to do literary research (to track down the targets of spoofs) and the discovery of some very funny writers who may be unknown to you. To learn more about the type of material contained in this book, consult Judith Yaross Lee's Defining New Yorker Humor (LJ 2/1/00). Ask your librarian if Fierce Pajamas is right for you. Available by prescription at public and academic libraries.
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