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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Manangement
Autor: Robbins Stephen P. Precio: $615.00
Editorial: Pearson/Prentice Hall Año: 2008
Tema: Ventas, Publicidad, Negocios Edición: 10ª
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780132090711
Management theories come to life with insights from real managers! This best selling principles text vividly illustrates management theories by incorporating real-life perspectives from a myriad of managers on their greatest challenges and successes. In the tenth edition, new features further integrate real managers' experiences into the text, helping students understand more clearly what being a manager is all about. For undergraduate principles of management courses. MARKET SPOTTERS: Williams, Management 5e, 2009, Cengage; Daft, Management, 8e, 2008, Cengage; Plunkett, Management, 9e, 2008, Cengage; Hellreigel, Managing: A Competency Approach, 11e, 2008, Cengage; Jones/George, Contemporary Management, 5e, 2008, MGH; Kinnicki/Williams, Management, 3e, 2008, MGH; Griffin, Management, 9e, 2008, HM; Kreitner, Management, 11e, 2009, HM; Bateman, Management: Leading & Collaborating, 8e, 2009, MGH; Schermerhorn, Management, 9e, 2008, Wiley
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