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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Journey To Data Quality
Autor: Lee W. Yang And Pipino Leo Precio: $252.00
Editorial: The Mit Press Año: 2009
Tema: Ciencia Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780262513357
All organizations today confront data quality problems, both systemic and structural. Neither ad hoc approaches nor fixes at the systems level_installing the latest software or developing an expensive data warehouse_solve the basic problem of bad data quality practices. Journey to Data Quality offers a roadmap that can be used by practitioners, executives, and students for planning and implementing a viable data and information quality management program. This practical guide, based on rigorous research and informed by real-world examples, describes the challenges of data management and provides the principles, strategies, tools, and techniques necessary to meet them.

The authors, all leaders in the data quality field for many years, discuss how to make the economic case for data quality and the importance of getting an organization's leaders on board. They outline different approaches for assessing data, both subjectively (by users) and objectively (using sampling and other techniques). They describe real problems and solutions, including efforts to find the root causes of data quality problems at a healthcare organization and data quality initiatives taken by a large teaching hospital. They address setting company policy on data quality and, finally, they consider future challenges on the journey to data quality.
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