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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Analytic Geometry
Autor: Vazquez Sanchez, Agustin; de Santiago Castillo, Juan Precio: $365.00
Editorial: Pearson/Prentice Hall Año: 2009
Tema: Geometria Analitica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9789702612827
It is very important that the books used in the teaching/learning process are written by instructors with a great experience in teaching the subject; this is the best way to guarantee not only the understanding of the problems and needs of the students, but also the use of didactical strategies for the solution of such situations.
In this book, concepts are exposed in a clear and simple way, but using the accurate mathematical language at the same time.
In Analytic Geometry, the student will find the following:
A historical review of the development of analytic geometry.
A great diversity of solved examples, demonstrations, and applications.
Numerous graphs that make the comprehension of the concepts easier.
Team activities and suggestions about the use of technology.
Cómprehensive exercises combining the application and relationships between the concepts
A considerable amount of proposed exercises, a summary including formulas, and a self-evaluation quiz at the end of each chapter.
A set of digital and printed resources that will help to understand every topic.
If the concepts included in this book are fully understood and the students solve the proposed exercises in the adequate time and form, they will undoubtedly achieve the learning goals of the subject.
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