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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Multiscaling In Molecular And Continuuam Mechanics: Interaction
Autor: G. C. Sih Precio: $3466.00
Editorial: Springer-Verlag New York Año: 2007
Tema: Ingenieria Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781402050619
The recent trend of miniaturization of devices and mechanics components has demanded a btter understanding of how macroscopic data are related to those at the microscopic scale or smaller.

The concept of multiscaling is to handle inhomogeneity that rises when material is viewed microscopically. A scale invariant concept that can quantify the degree of inhomgeneity is applied to overcome the diffuculty such that the methodology can be kept at a level that the practicing engineer can grasp and use. The model works much like a microscope that can magnify the results from the atomic to the micro, then to the meso and to the macro in an analytical fahsion. This provides a means for translating the experience in designing macroscopic size components to those at the lower scales.
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