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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Respiracion, Mente y Conciencia
Autor: Johari Harish Precio: $139.00
Editorial: Lasser Press Año: 1997
Tema: Guias, Salud, Tecnicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780892814749
An in-depth discussion of the science of Swar Yoga, which teaches the conscious observation and control of breathing patterns to maximize energy and enhance physical and psychic health.
For centuries, yogis have known what modern scientists are just beginning to recognize--that life force is regulated by breath, and breath energy is controlled by mind.

The author explains the sensory network of the nose and its effect on the subtle channels of energy throughout the body, showing a direct link between conscious breathing and the electrochemical balance of the brain and nervous system.
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