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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: The Frankurt School Revisited
Autor: Wolin Richard Precio: $472.00
Editorial: Routledge Año: 2006
Tema: Sociedad, Politica Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780415953573
This volume is a collection of essays by Richard Wolin, a leading political theorist and intellectual historian.

It is the follow up to Wolin's two recent, widely acclaimed books: Heidegger's Children and The Seduction of Unreason. In those books, he explored the legacy of Martin Heidegger and his impact on some of his most influential and notable students. He dealt particularly with the effect that Heidegger's subsequent embrace of fascism and National Socialism had on these students. Delving further in his next book, Wolin explored the question of why philosophers and intellectuals have been drawn to antiliberal, antidemocratic fascism.
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