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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Food Engineering Laboratory Manual
Autor: Barbosa-Canovas G. V. / Barletta. B Precio: $766.00
Editorial: Technomic Publishing Company Año: 1997
Tema: Ingenieria, Alimentacion, Manuales Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781566765411
From the prefacet the purpose of this laboratory manual is to facilitate the understanding of the most relevant unit operations in food engineering. The first chapter presents information on how to approach laboratory experiments; topics covered include safety, preparing for a laboratory exercise, effectively performing an experiment, properly documenting data, and preparation of laboratory reports. The following eleven chapters cover unit operations centered on food applications: dehydration . . . . , thermal processing, friction losses in pipes, freezing, extrusion, evaporation, and physical separations.
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