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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Mathematicals Models Of Granular Matter
Autor: Capriz/ Giovine/ Mariano Precio: $843.00
Editorial: Springer Science+business Media Inc. Año: 2008
Tema: Ciencia, Matematicas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9783540782766
Granular matter displays a variety of peculiarities that distinguish it from other appearances studied in condensed matter physics and renders its overall mathematical modelling somewhat arduous. Prominent directions in the modelling granular flows are analyzed from various points of view. Foundational issues, numerical schemes and experimental results are discussed. The volume furnishes an overview of the current research trends in the mechanics of granular matter. Various chapters introduce the reader to different points of view and related techniques. New models describing granular bodies as complex bodies are presented. Results on the analysis of the inelastic Boltzmann equations are collected in different chapters. Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry is also discussed.
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