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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Project Management, The Managerial Process
Autor: Gray Precio: $459.00
Editorial: Mc Graw Hill Interamericana de Mexico Año: 2007
Tema: Empresa, Negocios Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780071266260
This text approaches Project Management from a holistic, balanced perspective. The text is developed around a philosophy of a project-driven organization committed to continuous improvement and organizational learning. The text is holistic--it directs attention to the needed linkage between projects and organizational strategy. Many project management textbooks emphasize the technical aspects of the subject, while providing scant attention to the human element in projects. This text succeeds in redressing the balance by treating both the technical and the behavioral aspects of the subject in nearly equal parts. Such a balance is possible because of the complementary backgrounds of the authors: Gray, a specialist in project management systems with an operations background, provides strong technical coverage of project management. Larson, whose professional background is in organizational behavior, brings a distinctive behavioral perspective to the subject.
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