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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Language Arts: Paterns Of Practice
Autor: Topkins Precio: $440.00
Editorial: Pearson Education, Inc. Año: 2008
Tema: Textos, Educación Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780131597891
Language Arts: Patterns of Practice has long been a highly valued resource to pre-service teachers. Built on a solid research base, this exceptionally applied and teacher-friendly text addresses all six language arts, modeling their integration into the curriculum through authentic student artifacts, classroom vignettes, and footage of master teachers in their language arts classrooms. The seventh edition of the text, streamlined to provide a succinct, manageable model of language arts instruction, retains the rich classroom orientation, accessible writing style, and numerous features that have been the text's hallmark, adding a sharpened focus on English Learners, deepened classroom application of the four patterns of practice, and integrated treatment of the almost limitless resources of the Teacher Prep website. These new ideas and revisions have been crafted to help you prepare for, plan for, and implement successful language arts instruction.
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