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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Power System Harmonics
Autor: Arrillaga Jos/ Watson Neville Precio: $1870.00
Editorial: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Año: 2003
Tema: Ingenieria, Sistemas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780470851296
Harmonic distortion problems include equipment overheating, motor failures, capacitor failure and inaccurate power metering. The topic of power system harmonics was covered for the first time 20 years ago and the first edition has become a standard reference work in this area. Unprecedented developments in power electronic devices and their integration at all levels in the power system require a new look at the causes and effects of these problems, and the state of hardware and software available for harmonic assessment.

Following the successful first edition, this second edition of Power System Harmonics maintains the practical approach to the subject and discusses the impact of advanced power electronic technology on instrumentation, simulation, standards and active harmonic elimination techniques.
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