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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Cell Therapy
Autor: Garcia-Olmo/ Garcia-Verdugo/ Alemany/ Gutierrez-Fuentes Precio: $943.00
Editorial: Mc Graw Hill Interamericana de Mexico Año: 2008
Tema: Terapias, Salud Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9788448167028
This work is of maximum quality which includes high-level collaborations.
It covers everything from general aspects of cell therapy, all the way up to its application in each clinical case.

Approved by Dr. Edward Donnall Thomas, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1990 for this studies and discoverries in cell transplants for the treatment of diseases.

This work has been divided into three sections:

I.-General aspects of somatic cell therapy, with various chapters which cover its:origin, evolution, biology, biomaterials, and ethics, among others areas.

II.-Cell sources for somatic cell therapy. Some of the chapters includes subject areas coming from cells of the umbilical cord blood transplantation, hepatic stem cells, amniotic fluid derived pluripotent stem cells.

III.-Therapeutic targets for somatic cell therapy. The subject areas here are about therapeutic applications, such as cell regeneration in Parkinson¿s disease, bone regeneration, etc¿

This is a totally updated book ( and with the exception of some articles) no other publication treats this subject matter this way or in such depth.

Target :Internal Phycisians ; Clinical Phycisians ; Specialist in transplants; Cardiologist, Oncologist, Endocrinologist, Inmunologist; Hematologist; Specialist in Genetics, Surgeons, Neurosurgeons; Researchers.
Target 2º: Medical students of the last years, Residents.
Disponibilidad: Bajo pedido    Contáctanos  ó Solicítalo
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Última actualización: Jul 2019