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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: University Physics With Modern Physics With Masteringphysics
Autor: Young / Freedman Precio: $851.00
Editorial: Pearson Education, Inc. Año: 2007
Tema: Matematicas, Fisica, Ciencia Edición: 12ª
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780805321876
Using Young & Freedman's research-based ISEE (Identify, Set Up, Execute, Evaluate) problem-solving strategy, students develop the physical intuition and problem-solving skills required to tackle the text's extensive high-quality problem sets, which have been developed and refined over the past five decades. Incorporating proven techniques from educational research that have been shown to improve student learning, the figures have been streamlined in color and detail to focus on the key physics and integrate 'chalkboard-style' guiding commentary. Critically acclaimed 'visual' chapter summaries help students to consolidate their understanding by presenting each concept in words, math, and figures.

Renowned for its superior problems, the Twelfth Edition goes further. Unprecedented analysis of national student metadata has allowed every problem to be systematically enhanced for educational effectiveness, and to ensure problem sets of ideal topic coverage, balance of qualitative and quantitative problems, and range of difficulty and duration.

If a professor adopts MasteringPhysicsTM, every new copy of the text includes access to it - the most widely used, educationally proven, and technically advanced tutorial and homework system in the world. Uniquely able to tutor each student individually with feedback specific to their errors and simpler subproblems upon demand, MasteringPhysicsÖ now incorporates free-hand graphs, free-body diagrams, ray-tracing diagrams, even ranking-task activities. MasteringPhysicsÖ provides all the problems from the text as well as tutorials specific to the Problem-Solving Strategies and Test Your Understanding questions in each chapter.
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