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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Strategic Entrepreneurship
Autor: Wickham, Philip Precio: $664.00
Editorial: Prentice Hall Año: 2003
Tema: Estrategias, Exito Empresarial, Autoayuda Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780273682264
Provides students with the essential experience and knowledge needed in this
fast-growing field of entrepreneurship, distinguishing them as entrepreneurs of the future.

This text is ideal for those studying entrepreneurship as part of their degree or management course.

The text offers an up-to-date, accessible and rigorous examination of a strategic approach to entrepreneurial management and emphasises its distinction from small business management. The text integrates both conceptual and practical ideas from a broad grounding within wider social science disciplines.

The book offers a clear style, coherent and logical organisation of themes, and effective visualisation of key ideas to facilitate students' learning and course planning & delivery. It provides comprehensive coverage of the fast-growing field of entrepreneurship teaching and research.
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