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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Computational Intelligence: Concepts To Implementations
Autor: Eberhart / Shi Precio: $1146.00
Editorial: Morgan Kaufmann Año: 2007
Tema: Computacion, Inteligencia Artificial, Ciencia Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9781558607590
Computational Intelligence describes a large, diverse, and evolving field of theories and techniques, all inspired in one way or the other by nature. The three pillars of CI, neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary computation, along with their many variants, interact in meaningful ways to solve very complex problems. This book is an excellent introduction to the field, greatly suited for an advanced undergraduate/ beginning graduate student course, or for an interested scientist or engineer. The authors guide the reader in an easy flowing way through the history and foundational mathematics toward practical implementation of a few fundamental problem-solving systems in each area. In the fuzzy set chapters, they picked the most common application tool, fuzzy rule-based systems, even mixing in evolutionary design into the implementation. This book is an excellent choice on its own, but, as in my case, will form the foundation for our advanced graduate courses in the CI disciplines. James M. Keller, University of Missouri-Columbia

The excellent new book by Eberhart and Shi asserts that computational intelligence rests on a foundation of evolutionary computation. This refreshing view has set the book apart from other books on computational intelligence. The book has an emphasis on practical applications and computational tools, which are very useful and important for further development of the computational intelligence field. I am delighted that I have a copy of this book. Professor Xin Yao, The Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications
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