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portada Descargar ficha PDF Título: Knowledge Capital: How Knowledge-Based Enterprises Really Get Built
Autor: Chatzkel, Jay L. Precio: $700.00
Editorial: Oxford University Press Mexico, Sa Cv Año: 2003
Tema: Empresa, Negocios, Finanzas Edición:
Sinopsis ISBN: 9780195161144
Knowledge Capital: How Knowledge-Based Enterprises Really Get Built begins by defining the parameters of knowledge management and intellectual capital. An important task of a modern organization is to create an integrated strategy to maximize the value of these two assets. Knowledge Capital is an integrated and structured set of interactive interviews with thought leaders and key practitioners in the fields of intellectual capital and knowledge management that map out how knowledge organizations really get built. These sessions are in the form of conversations that explore the multiple dimensions necessary for creating and implementing a knowledge-based enterprise.
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